Seeking a Drivers Education Provider that also offers full service driving lessons that fulfill CA Department of Motor Vehicles licensing requirements for beginner drivers? At, you get access to first-class driving lessons taught by a DMV licensed driving school and much, much more. Not only do they provide basic driving skill instruction, they also offer advanced driving classes for driving on the freeway, navigating canyons, and passing the DMV road test. Combine their industry best lesson plans with their advanced training vehicles, industry-best driving instructors, and state approved education curriculum and you have a driving school experience that is second to none!
You get the feedback you want with customized progress reports made after each lesson for your son or daughter
Our training vehicles are equipped with dual brakes, front and side airbags, and anti-lock brakes
We offer basic driving lessons as well as canyon lessons, freeway lessons, and DMV test preparation lessons
Not only are our Instructors qualified, they are friendly, patient, and have had prior experience working with youths
Learn it all: Rules of the road, street sign meanings, right-of-way procedures, and how to handle obstacles
Take an additional Canyon Intensive Lesson: includes navigating California's dangerous canyons, emergency avoidance techniques, and defensive driving methodologies implemented
Each lesson begins with a review of previous lesson topics to ensure that student is ready to move on to more advanced techniques
We offer additional DMV Drive Test Lessons that allow students to prepare for their DMV road test and then actually take the DMV test in our training vehicle. We'll pick you up!